organic insecticide ● organic fungicide ● organic miticide
Because she shouldn't have to go it alone:

Got Stink Bugs?
Looking For A Nature Safe Insecticide?
Organocide™ is an all natural insecticide for eggs, larvae and nymphs of insects as well as the adults of soft-bodied insects. Controls a wide range of insects including, but not limited to, mealybugs, spider mites, aphids, leaf-rollers, whiteflies, fungus gnats, thrips and some armored and soft scale insects. We have used this in our nursery and find it helps control pesky stink bugs. It is also effective against a handful of certain fungal diseases like powdery mildew, black spot, and citrus greasy spot.
Organocide™is exempt from EPA registration. Organocide™is OMRI listed.
Available online or locally at garden centers
Watch this video by the manufacturer, Organic Laboratories
As with all insecticides, fungicides, or miticides, always read the application directions and follow all instructions carefully. Not to be used in high heat above 95ْ F.
This is a concentrate of 92% fish oils, 5% sesame oils, and 3% lecithin. It must be diluted before use. According to the manufacturer, Organocide™ has a high degree of safety for most plants, though a few have shown sensitivity such as the crown of thorns family. Read more here.
Ladybug & stink bug image courtesy of Suvro Datta at
UPDATE: 2017 - present
Organocide works great for killing insects on contact, and for some of the garden type fungi that we all battle. It is also the most readily available solution when insect crisis surprise you. But if you'd like a more water-friendly organic solution for pre-treating your soils for even more fungi ahead of the growing season as well as for use on the plants, then check out the cedar oil product found here.