Welcome to Green Pointe Growers !

Ask The Green Genie™
virtual landscape design
Green Pointe Growers is a fruit tree nursery in North Florida (Alachua County) growing a lot of Florida hardy fruit trees and edibles. Peaches, Nectarines, Plums, Pears, Apples, Pomegranates, Persimmons — and a whole lot of others including citrus. We’re registered with and annually inspected by the Florida Department of Agriculture, certificate #48008351.
We’re also home to Ask The Green Genie™: a virtual landscape consultant for the home gardener. For our many retail followers and landscape design clients, we offer custom ordering of hedge plants and trees in quantity. Most of these items are hand-picked from other wholesale nurseries in our area, as you order them.
Local delivery is $35 until the present gas crisis is averted (that’s per address, not per tree). For just one tree or amendments only, please check with us for exceptions.
Local delivery has been expanded to include Gainesville, Tampa, Orlando, Jacksonville and everywhere in between.
So, instead of visiting our physical retail nursery since we don’t maintain retail hours for walk-ins, we bring the nursery to you through the Internet. You’ll find the most popular edibles, shrubs and butterfly bushes listed here on our site with pictures and prices. You can order directly from our site from the comfort of your couch and we’ll deliver, saving you the bother of dirt in your car or squishing the trees in where they don’t fit. You can also call us to place your order and get free consultation: 352-871-7974 9-7/ M-Fri; Sat. 9-2.
Nursery visits can also be arranged, by appt only: please call ahead if possible: 352-871-7974.
Growers Jon & Lisa love to garden. Here we share our favorite tips and tricks to coax our Florida sand into producing healthy plants and a bountiful crop. You’ll quickly learn we’re nuts about using organic practises in the garden, so there’s lots of blogs about natural soil amendments and non-chemical pest control. And we understand that many of you are accustomed to the easy, quick results of chemical pest control and fertilizers, so we’re committed to finding organic alternatives to share that actually work and don’t break the bank!
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