Berries, Grapes and Other Vines


blueberries on the bush

Blackberries on the vine

Blackberries on the vine


fresh strawberries

Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, and now Goji Berries --- are all so much fresher when picked from your own garden. All can be grown in zone 9, some in 8b.

Grapes, Kiwis, and Passion Fruit are all vine plants that can be grown in zones 8b & 9 as well, with a little help from a trellis or arbor.

Visit each individual page in the menu at the top of this website for special growing concerns for each variety and specific information on individual cultivars.


Vitis rotundifolia: Muscadines

Kiwi fruit

kiwi fruit on the vine

passion fruit and flower

Passion fruit and flower on the vine

Muscadine Grapes

Vitis rotundifolia: Muscadines (Suppernongs)