What is an Aprium®?
Apriums are a complex hybrid of plums and apricots, that are more similar to apricots than plums. Hybrid just means "cross" bred. It's not a bad word --- it's how we get new flavors.
Pluots are also a hybrid of plums and apricots, but they are more similar to plums. Read more on pluots® here.
Such hybrids usually take at least 15-30 years to develop using classical breeding methods such as hand pollination or open pollination, and seedling offspring to develop each generation of crosses. The resulting named variety is often the product of many generations of cross breeding.
Apriums® will have a tree growth habit like an apricot and leaves like an apricot with the typical rounded shape and ruffly edges. They are some of the last of the prunus family of fruits to wake up in the spring, as they require a certain amount of heat units to break bud, just like apricots.
Fruits are a sweet, mesmerizing combination that is more apricot with delicious juicy notes of plum flavors. Skins will have the typical apricot fuzz on the outside --- ever so slightly. Color is usually some shade of orangy-yellow, inside and out.

Low Chill Aprium® varieties:
Flavor Delight
requires approx 250 chill hours (for zones 6-9)
Distinctive, apricot-plum hybrid bears sweet, flavorful fruits on self pollinating trees. Trees will produce larger crops if pollinated by another apricot. Katy apricot is recommended for pollination in FL until we learn more.
Flavor Delight is a regular, productive bearing aprium® of somewhat crisp, yellow flesh fruits.
Freestone. Ripens in early June.
Closely resembles an apricot in appearance.
U.S. Plant Patent No. 7090 expired 2009

Cot N' Candy aprium®
Cot N' Candy
requires approx 350-400 chill hours (for zones 7-9a)
Very sweet and juicy, almost white flesh apricot-plum hybrid with incredible flavor. Firm fruits with a smooth apricot texture exterior and few fibers. Excellent flavor with a good balance between acid and sugar. Brix factor averages about 15.3. Freestone.
Trees have a very upright shape, vigorous growth and a spreading habit. Dependable producer of medium sized fruits in consecutive years, no off/on years. Fruits store well in refrigeration for as much as 2 weeks.
Self pollinating. Ripens approximately mid-June.
U.S. Plant Patent No. 17827 expires Jan 2026
In stock for 2024:
Flavor Delight Aprium®
in 2 sizes:
1"-1.25" trunks:
1.5"+ trunks:
super 15g/$135
no Cot N' Candy just yet!

aprium blossoms