Low Chill Apricots
for North & Central Florida
Prunus armeniaca (Armenian plum)
Low chill apricots are a new experimental introduction for us for spring 2019. They are not for everybody --- but for those of you who understand the risks and would like to try them out, we have larger, healthier trees that will help you succeed. Because they are in pots and not bare root, the transition from nursery to gardener should be more successful for you.
Update 2013: trees are growing great; still waiting for confirmation about blooms & fruits.
A Little Background:
Just like the low chill cherries, IFAS has not recommend planting apricots in zone 9. Higher chill hours in the varieties tested were unsuited to Florida's climate. In addition to too many chill hours, they encountered many issues with fungi because of the late blooms, as well as soil fungi and soil nematode issues. According to one news article we found, they are presently testing some low chill varieties from Thailand that are said to be promising.
Meantime, California growers have now successfully hybridized several low chill varieties requiring less than 300 hours of cold weather below 45 degrees. They have also introduced new rootstocks that are more tolerant of wet soils and calcium rich soils.

low chill 'Katy' apricots on tree

Delicious Apricots!
We are starting with the 'Katy' apricot: it requires only 250 chill hours, is self fertile, and is grafted to Fl-friendly rootstocks like Citation and Nemaguard. Some sources say the chill hours required range between 200-300. Our 2019 crop is on Citation root stock and is growing very robustly, and this following a very mild winter.
'Katy' is a large, flavorful, free-stone apricot with a semi-sweet, low-acid flavor. It's been an all-time favorite with many homeowners out west.
It generally fruits rather early for apricots, approximately the end of May in Hickman, CA. Our first season fruits would have ripened about mid-May in Gainesville, but the squirrels had breakfast in the apricot orchard this year before we did.

apricots on a limb
email or call us to confirm availability: new apricot tree crops are ready each April 1 and may sell out during the year.

15g Katy apricot May 2019 2-yr-old trees