Acca sellowiana syn : feijoa sellowiana, Myrtacées
The Pineapple Guava makes an interesting edible hedge plant for North and Central Florida.
It requires cool temperatures in the 20's to 50's for successful flowering.
Blooms in April & May. This drought tolerant plant is an evergreen shrub with leathery green leaves and silvery undersides.
Sweet, edible green fruit with a pear-like texture ripens in the fall: August to October. It has a sweet fragrance even before it is fully ripe. Flavor is something like a cross between pineapple, guava and mint.
Size of fruit varies from small kumquat size to kiwi size, depending on soil and growing conditions. To serve, cut the fruit in half and scoop the pulp out with a spoon. Pineapple Guava is sometimes called self fertile, but it only sets a few pieces of fruit. Planting two or more increases yields on each plant to an actual crop.
Drought tolerant and can also be grown in pots. Prefers full sun, does well in partial shade also. Prefers slightly acidic soils.

photo credits: courtesy of Wikipedia