the 'Hanky Panky' Collection
Exotic Designer Fruits:
Exotic fruit tree varieties specially bred to create new taste sensations for the discerning pallette.
In the world of designer fruits, classical breeding methods involve many, many years of both hand pollination and open pollination across multiple generations of plant breeding. Simple crosses can happen in the wild with the help of bees, but dedicated plant breeders take it to a whole new level. NOT GMO!
What do you get when a nectarine tree does the hanky panky dance with a plum? We call it a Nectaplum®!
Or what if a plum tree goes a courting' Miss Cherry?
How about a Pluerry™?
Luther Burbank coined the term plumcots, but the name Pluots® refers to a specific genre of plum dominate crosses, from multi-generational breeding.
Unique genetic crosses,
bred the old fashioned way,
not GMO!
The Hanky Panky Collection, as we call it, are unique genetic crosses, often of several generations of plant breeding. Unique genetic crosses, bred the old fashioned way by spreading pollen from one tree to the other. They are called complex interspecific hybrids and take years to develop. And every one of this collection presents with strong hybrid vigor. Definitely NOT GMO!
After 1000's of such crosses, the plant breeder plants the seeds of the fruits that taste unique or superb, and grows them out to see what traits have prevailed.
Just a few trees are chosen to name and patent: like maybe 5-6 new species out of about 50,000 crosses! Other growers then bring them to market, propagating from scion wood grafted to the recommended root stock and sold as "ready to bear" trees.

What does it mean?
The proper term for these hybrids is "interspecifics". It just means cross-pollination between closely related species, in contrast to "Intraspecifics" which means cross-pollination within the same species.
But we found the name "Hanky Panky Collection" much more entertaining! And quickly descriptive of the development of these exciting new taste treats. Many also boast an exceedingly high Brie factor at 18 or more.
They are not unnatural, but they sure are unusual!
Pluerry™ is a trademark of Dave Wilson Nursery, CA.