'Pineapple Sugar Apple'
(Taiwanese nickname)
"Annona atemoya"
. . . is a hybrid of the sugar apple (Annona squamosa) and the more cold tolerant cherimoya (Annona cherimola).
Atemoya trees grow 10-15' tall in Central Florida, should be spaced 15-20' apart, and are hardy to zone 9b (maybe 25-27degrees) if a light freeze, and when fully mature. They require full sun to partial shade. Soil pH should be neutral to mildly alkaline (6.6-7.8pH).
They can reach up to 25' tall in their native environment. Trees can be kept trimmed to 6-10' tall if needed.
Atemoya are more cold tolerant than the sugar apple (A. squamosa) and at the same time tolerates tropical heat better than the Cherimola. They can tolerate a light freeze, even to 27 degrees as mature trees.
Fruit is quite juicy and smooth tasting, and sweet-tart like a vanilla flavored pina colada -- hence the nickname "pineapple sugar apple". Snowy-white flesh is of a fine texture.
Pulp has fewer seeds than the sugar apple and the flesh is not divided into segments. The seeds of course are poisonous, just like the other members of the Annona family of fruits. Fruit can be as large as 5 lbs if nourished properly.

The fruit is heart-shaped or even rounded with pale-green, bumpy skin near the stem like the sugar apple, and smoother skin like the cherimoya towards the bottom.
Atemoya has much less seeds than the sugar apple (Annona squamosa).
Atemoya bears protogynous, hermaphroditic flowers meaning self-pollination is rare, except for some of the newer named cultivars. The flower, in its female stage, opens between 2-4:00pm, and between 3-5pm on the following day converts to its male stage.
Hand pollination when necessary almost always yields superior quality fruits. Without pollination assistance, the resulting fruit can be misshapen or underdeveloped on one side, or not get pollinated at all.
Growers are gradually introducing new cultivars that are stronger, self pollinating varieties -- read below.
When you can find them, named cultivars offer advantages:
'Geffner' is very nice, sweet and highly productive. Geffner is one of the few Atemoya to self pollinate prolifically.
'Lisa' is a soft pink fruit on the inside, some say not as productive as the 'Geffner', but reportedly has outstanding flavor and texture. Zills nursery says the 'Lisa' is just as productive for them, and an excellent, dependable producer.
Both 'Geffner' and 'Lisa' are well-known grafted varieties. Read below for a new introduction 2017.
Grafted cultivars available seasonally at the nursery: contact us for details.
Best availability occurs in the summer.

Atemoya flowers
2021 update:
please inquire before ordering any of the annona family: shortages are real
Larger sizes: ltd availability:
2021 update:
please inquire before ordering any of the annona family: shortages are real

'Aussie' fruit
New cultivar: "Aussie"
'Aussie' is a new introduction from Australia for 2017. It was brought to Florida as a seed over 10 years ago.
It is a dependable, heavy producer of large white fruits, inside and out, every year to date since its maturity.
'Aussie' is a prolific, self pollinating Atemoya, with fruit that is sweeter and bigger than the Geffner.
We have a few 15g & 25g sizes available now, and 7g will be available in the spring 2018.