Chocolate Pudding From A TREE ?
You've Got To Be Kidding!
It's kind of a novelty, but yep, it really does have the texture and flavor of chocolate pudding!
I know that sounds odd, but I've actually tasted this one myself -- it's not real sugary sweet, just mildly sweet, but the texture is quite smooth & fine, and does taste like chocolate pudding -- much to my surprise.
Fruit needs to be exceptionally ripe before it has the right flavor. I suppose it would be quite interesting served with Breyer's Vanilla ice cream!

Chocolate Pudding Fruit
photo courtesy of wikipedia

Black Sapote
Diospyros nigro
Black Sapote is an evergreen tree -- looks quite attractive with its waxy dark green leaves -- and is a member of the persimmon family of fruits! Fruits are about the size and shape of a large tomato.
Tropical: tolerates light frosts as a mature plant; but generally protect from freezing;
2 sizes in picture of Black Sapote:
3.5' tall / 3g / $45
6' tall / 7g / $85 call / email us to order or verify availability