'Red Baron' PEACH
Prunus persica 'Red Baron'
Low chill variety: 250 chill hours / self-pollinating
hardy in zones 7-9;
Ripens late: usually mid-July
on Nemaguard rootstock: especially for Florida

'Red Baron' is a low chill peach for zones 8-9 that ripens later than most
Even Scarlet's petticoats were never this attractive:

The 'Red Baron' peach presents a dazzling display of red double ruffled blossoms in late spring for nearly 2.5-3 weeks! Large 3", juicy, firm, freestone peaches ripen in mid-July.

double red flowers dappled with raindrops
Update 2024:
At this time, the Red Baron peach is only available in 15g & 7g sizes.

'Red Baron' blossoms contrasted with other white/pink blooming peaches in the background
At only 250 chill hours, the 'Red Baron' peach can be grown as far south as north Tampa and north Orlando, where the zone 9 temps range at 210-310 most winters.
It is also thriving well in upper zone 8, as far north as Athens Georgia! That's a rather wide growing range for the average low chill peach -- most don't have that much latitude in temperature tolerance.
Red Baron is a richly flavored yellow peach with strong red exterior blushing. It is highly rated in taste tests, and a long-time favorite in Southern California and Texas. Our trees are grafted on Nemaguard especially for Florida home orchards.
The spectacular double, scarlet-red blossoms can last as long as three weeks in the late spring, with fruit ripening from mid-July to early August. On Nemaguard root stock, trees grow about 12-15' tall and nearly as wide.