Citrus trees
. . . are easiest to plant in the milder / cooler weather -- Sept to May. However, they can be planted year around as long as they are watered EVERY DAY!
Looking for a favorite we don't list? Let us special order for you! We offer pre-paid special order services year around!
email us here to inquire
The list below contains citrus varieties generally available through us: subject to seasonal availability, of course.
Citrus is readily grown in Zones 10 & 11, and the lower half of zone 9. However the highlighted names below are known to be a bit more cold hardy than the others -- as in growing in Alachua County and other parts of zones 9a & 8b.
Click the links below for more information on individual varieties.
- Pineapple (yummy juice orange)
- Hamlin: very cold hardy
- Navel 'Summerfield'
- Red Navel 'Cara Cara'
- Valencia
- Blood orange: 'Moro'
- Chinese Honey Orange: aka Ponkan Tangerine --- our personal favorite!
- Ambersweet
Tangerines & Tangelos
- Ponkan Tangerine
- Honey Murcott
- Satsuma 'Owari'
- Clementine 'Noles'
- King Mandarin
- Dancy: "the Christmas tangerine"
- HoneyBell (Minneola Tangelo)
- Page (Honeybell x Clementine)
- 'Shiranui' aka Dekapon or Sumo Mandarin
- Sugar Belle (Honeybell x Clementine)
- Meyer Lemons -- fairly cold hardy
- Harvey Lemon -- most cold hardy
- Eureka Lemon
- Bearss Lemon
- Ponderosa -- very large
- Sambo (sweet)
- Persian Limes -- more cold hardy
- Key Limes
- Kaffir Lime
- Indian Sweet Lime
- Red Lime -- most cold hardy
- Meiwa (round -- sweeter)
- Nagami (long -- more tart)
- Calamondin
Because we care about your success, we only stock larger sizes of citrus: 10gal & 30gal
(smaller sizes lack enough root mass for easy survival)
Please check with us regarding availability
before you place your order, thanks!
Prevention Is the First Line of Defense We Have Against
Citrus Greening Disease
A well fed, healthy tree is the first line of defense in any war on pests, and citrus greening is no exception.
Plant your tree during the cooler weather to lessen the stress of transplanting. We recommend October to early April for North Florida gardens.
When you dig the hole for the new plant, make it at least four times bigger than . . .
Organic Protocols May Very Well
Hold The Key To Winning The Fight
Against Citrus Greening
Research has shown that a healthy tree has far more resistance to pests than a stressed tree.
UF entomologist Michael Rogers is working with industry and the Organic Center to research holistic organic solutions for citrus greening.
Get Rid of Garden Pests:
But Please Don't Poison Your Pets!
From the label:
"Poses no risk to the environment:
EPA exempt"
Around your home,
children and pets."

the effectiveness of Organocide 3-in-1 is hard to beat
No Petroleum Solvents
We encourage anyone wanting to grow citrus to consider an organic gardening approach.
We believe that harmony with nature is the best way to win this war. Nuking the pests with chemicals just stresses the trees that much more, so any pests left behind can have a field day.
Research has shown that a healthy tree has far more resistance to pests than a stressed tree.